Monday, October 25, 2010

Autumn Beauty

I went on my first photo shoot over the weekend. It was scheduled for the sole purpose of taking pictures and nothing else. Nothing extravagant or anything just some random fall shots. I went to the home of my former pastor to find some fall inspiration. He lives in the hills and it is so peaceful. You can see neighbors but there is hustle and bustle of town life. Even in the country close to town there is a constant sound of a distant highway. Not here it is just us and the sound of nature. And even though it was an overcast day I did catch myself standing in the middle of a pasture with my eyes closed soaking up the sun as it peeked through the clouds and thanking God for allowing me to enjoy the beauty he created. I took my youngest son with me because he is all about the outdoors. We walked through woods, hiked up hills, and walked through pastures. He is so at home in this kind of setting. He took only one picture while we were out but he chased frogs all the way around the pond. Thankfully for the frogs he did not catch them. And after he shared his lunch with the dogs one of them even helped in that quest.  Justin got his first ride on a tractor while we were there and he got a close up view of some cows coming to feed. He is such a blessing to have with me on outings like this. And even though he was scared to ride with me on the 4-wheeler we did have a great day. I wasn't expecting for anyone to be home so it was a great surprise to get to see Bro. Ron when he came home early. It has been years since I had seen him and was glad to see him looking so happy and refreshed by life. I learned allot from him and consider him to be my church father. I grew so  much spiritually and as a person in general while having him as a pastor. He was also the principle at our christian school and it was a joy to have him as an influence on our children. And I for one have to say he may have influenced my oldest more than others since he is the one who spent the most time at the principles office. It was to bad that I was the secretary he got to see when he got there. So I secretly hoped that he just wanted to see his mommy. 
Bro Ron wasn't the kind of pastor who lectured you on Sunday and then was not heard from till the next service. He was an actual part of the congregation. He played with the kids, and visited with the members and he and his wonderful wife even hosted hay rides in the fall at his home. He and his wife was a blessing to have as our leaders. And I am so very thankful that he is blessed with such a wonderful family to support him. And I do want to add that if you like to read that his daughter wrote an awesome book called Beyond Tomorrow! It is a christian based book set in the Civil War. Try it you will love it!!!
 So here are a few pics of our outing. And remember to take time to enjoy the outdoors with all of the beautiful fall colors! And if you have an opportunity to take a friend or family member it will make it that much better.
Beautiful fall colors
Bro Ron taking the kids fishing

Old Home Church

Justin and Pepper looking for frogs


  1. Wondered if you got a new camera perhaps to try. I go out 3-5 times a week, I need my outdoors time.I have a new camera and have put 400 in a month on it ,plus shooting with my others. I don't save all but enjoy sharing with friends who can't get out.Great reflection shot.I did a entire blog of barns.

  2. Ron sounds like a wonderful man and definitely a great role model! You captured fall beautifully! Love your pictures.
